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WIC Clients will love your store: The ultimate guide.

Today, state programs like WIC represent an invaluable opportunity for supermarkets. Learning to take advantage of said programs brings countless benefits, in 2023 alone, nearly 6.7 million pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children under five, and infants actively participated in the program*, showing that WIC is a great sales Asset.

Studies indicate that WIC beneficiaries prefer to shop in places where they can find everything they need easily and conveniently, such as small bodegas or supermarkets, which represents a great opportunity for small businesses to increase sales. This blog will show you key strategies to optimize your supermarket and attract customers who use WIC cards.

⚠️ Don't know what WIC is? You may be interested in this blog: 🔗Don't miss any sales!

  • Guarantee the availability of WIC items in stock: The most important thing is that you have enough in stock to supply this demand and thus provide a better experience to your customer.

  • Signage: Place eye-catching ads inside the store and at strategic points to ensure visibility. Don't forget that the most popular spots should be the cash registers, aisles, and shelves where the products within the program's regulations are located.

  • Highlight WIC-authorized products: Label items for easy selection and purchase.

  • Use flyers and distribute them throughout the store. You can also leave them in strategic places where there is a large influx of communities, such as schools, community centers, and health centers. Provide information about your supermarket and how families subscribed to the program can take advantage of it when shopping at your store.

  • Design promotions with WIC products: Encourage sales by making exclusive promotions targeted to the WIC-Specific public.

Sounds good, right? now, how can you implement these strategies?

🎯 Choose WIC product days. Use them to promote combos and discounts.

🎯 Train staff: Make sure your staff is knowledgeable about how WIC payments work and promote proactivity when helping customers.

🎯 Internal and External Communication

  • Run a loyalty and marketing campaign through E-mails with relevant information to customers.

  • Offer digital or printed guides to help customers find WIC-eligible products in your supermarket.

🎯 Take advantage of social media: Social media is the main channel to advertise your supermarket and provide official information to all your customers. Make campaigns and announcements directed to the WIC population, highlighting that your supermarket sells the products and accepts this type of payment.

🎯 Create quality content: Share educational information and videos about WIC-regulated products. You can make explanatory content on how to use these items, fun recipes for kids, and nutritious recipes for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Optimize your supermarket for eWIC card payments:

🎯 Install a Point of Sale (POS) System: Without a doubt, a POS will change the way your business operates. Install a POS and a payment terminal that allows you to accept eWIC.

⚠️ Remember that your POS must be configured to show if the scanned item is regulated by the WIC Program.

See all of our equipment and processing rates at the following link or by calling 888-507-6614:

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*You can consult more official and recent data about the program on the USDA site and its statistics section.


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